
Browse through reviews and comments written by former KCP International students.


4.7 stars based on 571 reviews

All content has been taken from actual evaluations that former students completed at the end of the program. We hope these reviews will help answer your question regarding our intensive Japanese language program, and that the KCP student comments are useful to you in making an informed decision about applying. Enjoy — KCP Review!

The US program overnight trip was my favorite. The ryokan experience was very memorable.

Matthew from Spring 2019

Having the program spoken in only Japanese was a huge help but having the English support sessions were also very helpful to mot just me but everyone who went.

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The trip to Edo Wonderland was my favorite. It was a very beautiful area and the shows and experience was very fun.

Annabelle from Spring 2019

The US program field trips were the most productive and interesting aspects. They were so much fun and interesting and I learned a lot.

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I found everything helpful. Especially English Support.

Suvi from Fall 2018

Japanese Psychology and Religion were very interesting topics and gave me a new perspective to the Japanese everyday life and social relationships.

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The classes are very productive, I would not say any part was unproductive!

Sophia from Winter 2018

All activities were very helpful, but especially pair work.

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The Edo wonderland event was very interesting.

Norman from Fall 2018

Please research how to do daily activities in Japan such as laundry etc. Furthermore depending on where you live you may want to look at google maps and see whats in the area beforehand so you can get an idea of where you want to go or shop.

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The two semester level 1 class really changed my experience from great/good to excellent.

Brittany from Winter 2018

The amount of studying required is intense and you will need to study very hard. You will also need to make an effort to get out and see Japan because there is always more to be studying it can be hard to make time to see Japan but it’s part of the experience.

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I really enjoy the school trips (ex. Edo Mura).

Nicole from Winter 2018

For me, the best part of the program is simply the quality of study.

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KCP was the best program for the price and the location

Joshua from Fall 2018

In class, pair work was the most helpful and just talking with Japanese friends outside of class was the most helpful in that sense.

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English Support was for me the most productive!

Ayda from Fall 2018

English Support was for me the most productive, as it really helped me improve and retain the information I learned in class.

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The most productive and interesting part of the program, I think, was having the classes taught all in Japanese.

Kumiko from Fall 2018

The most productive and interesting part of the program, I think, was having the classes taught all in Japanese. Even from level one, you have no choice but to concentrate on the language and have a need to learn quickly in order to understand better. As a student from the American program, it is hard to think of what was the least productive or interesting, I think everything was just so well done!

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I love that the school is in the heart of Tokyo and that all the classes are in Japanese. Since the classes are taught only in Japanese it pushes me to study more.

—Alice Hoglund