
Do all the homework given. Study a lot for the grammar and kanji tests. There is a way to study and have fun around Tokyo at the same time even in the 8 week program.

Evangelina from Summer Short 2019

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The Yamanashi one day trip was really fun and enlightening. Even though most part of the destinations can be done as a regular tourist but it was definitely a different experience going with classmates and teachers.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

I really like the style in teaching the language for the most part. Having to learn kanji has helped me retain and lot and being forced to speak Japanese on a daily basis also helped me grow in conversation and application of Japanese. I can't think of anything that seemed the least interesting and productive since most of what was taught, I thought it was really important.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I found the pair work and in class activities to be very helpful.

Any suggestions for improving class activities or materials?

Sometimes there aren't consistency in teaching style. I know that each teacher have different styles and they honestly don't very that much. However for things like specific strokes for Kanji, I hope that the way to write it can be taught more specifically. Some teachers point out important parts of a character to pay attention and other teachers don't, so when it comes to the Kanji test, i miss some questions because a teacher didn't point out that a certain stroke is important.

Anything you especially liked in the living arrangements? Any problems you experienced?

It was nice having my own bathroom and kitchen area, making it very convenient. The only problem I had was the wifi because it only works well in only on corner of my room.

What dorm did you live in or host family did you live with?

the Ikebukuro dorm.

Any comments or tips for prospective/new KCP students?

Do all the homework given. Study a lot for the grammar and kanji tests. There is a way to study and have fun around Tokyo at the same time even in the 8 week program.

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I am really happy I decided to study at KCP. It has been a difficult journey, but I have learned a lot. I would love to come back to KCP to continue my studies.

—Alice Hoglund