
I really enjoyed the lectures.

Marissa from Spring 2016

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I think the overnight culture trip to Kamakura was the most enjoyable. However, i think I would have preferred if all outside activities were optional and more freedom with it. Since the work load was a lot, the extra activities sometimes seemed more like a chore to some people. However, they were all enjoyable and interesting.

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

I thought the heavy course load kept me on my feet. I learned so much in my little time there that I can easily see becoming fluent in Japanese through KCP attainable. I did not enjoy the English support and required special studies. I felt the English support not very helpful and the extra classes kept me from being able to explore tokyo since they filled up a lot of my time. However, the special study session was very helpful.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

The English grammar book was an extremely helpful material. I really enjoyed the occasional games, really helped reiterate the vocab and grammar points. Especially helped break up the day to keep me interested. Group sessions were nice and so were the drill practices. Drilling especially helped make material click.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

I really enjoyed the lectures. Every single one of the lecture guests explained their Japanese culture and history points it was super interesting and informative. I am glad I got to learn about all these interesting culture facts and points through someone who cares and knows a lot about the subject.

Where did you live?


Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

I really loved the location of my dorm. I am coming back to KCP and if I stayed in the dorm, Ikebukuro is definately where I would want to go. I enjoyed living close to classmates, I definately formed bonds with the people in this dorm. The bed however was very uncomfortable and the room was not clean when I first arrived. However, those would be my only complaints, and I believe the beds have been changed now. The dorm would be highly recommended.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

KCP really is an intensive program and will teach you so much Japanese in a short time, however it is doable. I highly recommend making sure you stay up on studying because you can get behind very quick. However, the teachers and staff are all really helpful, especially if you show your hard work and interest. Saitou Sensei especially made learning Japanese enjoyable and kept me interested and working hard.

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I am very lucky to have found this program. It definitely did not disappoint, and I would without a doubt, recommend it to anyone who wants to further their skills in Japanese.

—Andrea Li