
Each professor was more interesting than the last and gave an in-depth look at many of the multi-faceted aspects

William from Spring 2016

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The Culture Class was extremely informative and fun.

Any suggestions for improving class activities or materials?

I love the program immensely, but I believe it is a bit compressed since the term is only 3 months. It seems the program has been structured solely around students that have previous Japanese experience and have no additional obligations other than studying, which is understandable since most of the student seem to fall in this category. More disclosure is needed during the application process to alert the student to ALL aspects involved with the program. In my own personal example, I was not informed of additional mandatory classes nor when English support would be provided, and as a result, missed a vast majority of valuable education that would be essential for someone with my very limited knowledge. If at all possible, I would suggest an afternoon Engkish Supoort class after the normal instruction for beginner students. Students like me that have no comprehension of the language can at least go over why was just covered in class in a way that we have a frame of reference, and an expert we can consult with. In a program such as this (which is very test-intensive) I believe it will help with greater retention for newer students. More visual examples for visual learners would also be helpful. Takatsu Sensei and Kudou Sensei are extremely great at this. Perhaps in the future, you may consider developing a program for students who have a long-term desire to remain in Japan, and focuses more on creating native speakers as opposed to testing. With that said, the program is otherwise superb, and I cannot wait to do it again and continue to improve. Thank you all again for a great term. :)

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

These courses were incredibly informational. Each professor was more interesting than the last and gave an in-depth look at many of the multi-faceted aspects of Japnese culture. This is exactly the kind of thing students need. More exploration of this beautiful country, it's people and its culture.

Any other comments or suggestions?

Keep up the excellent work. I would not trade away a single second in KCP nor Japan despite the difficulty. The staff is excellent.

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If you are looking to study Japanese in Japan, I highly recommend KCP International. For starters, it’s in Tokyo! (And who doesn’t want to be in Tokyo?) KCP is in an extremely convenient location and using public transportation you can pretty much get around anywhere.

—Lauren Finley