
The experience was above and beyond my expectations.

Darian from Winter 2015

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I found the bust trip to be the most satisfying. I spent the whole day talking in Japanese with classmates which is important to me.

What were your goals in attending the KCP program?

To gain enough Japanese to have a satisfying experience attempting to comprehend Japanese media. As well as to enrich myself culturally in Tokyo.

Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

The experience was above and beyond my expectations. The staff and the people were all amazing.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Everyone says they will do it, and not a lot actually do (myself included) but I believe you should work as hard as you can before coming here. Some people have no problem but KCP can be a rude awakening for the less diligent students. That being said, for those with a goal and the heart to succeed, this school will give its all to you and take your Japanese to another level.

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KCP is a really great program and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Japanese in Tokyo. Although intense the sense of achievement by the end of just two and a half months is huge.

—Yuna Murayama