
I think KCP is definitely one of the best options a student can choose for a study abroad program in Tokyo.

Catrin from Fall 2014

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The barbecue because we got the chance to interact with our classmates and teacher in a more casual setting. It also allowed us to showcase food from our home countries and share ideas. I also like the culture class trips because it made traveling around Tokyo less stressful while seeing popular sites and learning more about modern and historical Japan. The Kanazawa trip was amazing!

Why did you select this program?

It had a really good price and it seemed to be able to teach Japanese much better than a regular university exchange. I also liked that it is a smaller school still, allowing for smaller classes and more attention from the teachers. Students from my university who have attended before also highly recommended the program for those serious in becoming fluent in Japanese.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

Games were the most helpful because it made speaking Japanese less intimidating. Many students are embarrassed and stressed about saying things the wrong way or forgetting words and structure but the games allowed us to laugh at ourselves and feel more comfortable trying new things.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

I personally enjoyed the psychology and religion as well as anime in business and society because it deals with a lot of current Japanese culture and gives a better look into society and how it came to be this way. Saitosensei teaching the Anime class was my favorite because he did in a Japanese/English mix so it gave us an opportunity to keep practicing on the weekend and he is very funny and enthusiastic about everything.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Students should already know hiragana and katakana before coming to Japan. Also know basics like the days of the week, month, year and counting. I know it is said in the information that we should know hiragana/katakana before the semester starts but not too many students take that seriously and it can save a lot of trouble and headache in the beginning. Save as much as you can before hand, food and travel expenses rack up real quick.

Any other comments or suggestions?

I think KCP is definitely one of the best options a student can choose for a study abroad program in Tokyo. The program throws us right into the Japanese language and living so we have the best chance at success. The staff is friendly and go above and beyond to help you understand class material, see how you are adjusting to life in Japan, and help you outside of class with anything you need. Especially Michikosan who sat in the hospital with me for over 8 hours to translate and make sure I was alright.She is amazing and is always looking out for everyone. I feel like I can go to her about anything and she'll help you until your problem is solved.

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Not only did I have a great time at KCP, but the improvement I’ve witnessed in my Japanese proficiency is astounding. I still can’t quite believe I’ve learned so much in such a short time. Although I’m sad that I’m leaving by the end of this term, I’ll always have fond memories of my time here. I am truly grateful to all the staff, especially the instructors, as well as my fellow classmates for making my time here exceptional. I highly and without hesitation recommend KCP International Japanese Language School to anyone looking to learn Japanese.

—Suhaib Sarmad