
Try to make the most of your time here!

Sabrina from 2014

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

The bus trip to Yamanashi prefecture was definitely the most exciting and informative! Otherwise, I would never have had the chance to leave Tokyo. I got to see some really exciting cultural sights, even Mt. Fuji! Also I got to bond with my classmates and the activities on the bus ride were a little silly but charming! An excellent experience overall, although a bit more time at each site would have been nice. Also, the speech contest was definitely amusing!

Which co-curriculum classes did you find most satisfying?

Dance club, singing club

Why did you select this program?

It was largely to do with the ease of application. A lot of other summer courses required a lot of paperwork and recommendations and transcripts that are a big pain to gather. But KCP's application process was very easy and self-explanatory! Also the student life photos looked interesting!

What were the most productive and interesting aspects of the program for you? The least interesting and productive?

Cultural trips (to Yamanashi, Asahi Shinbun etc.) were definitely informative and interesting. The most productive part of the program is being involved in class with students who don't speak English! That way, I'm forced to speak Japanese all the time, and therefore my speaking and listening have improved a lot. The group sessions and actual classes are a bit repetitive though. While it was nice to have a head start, it felt a little bit redundant to cover the same material again once the actual class started.

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I thought the accelerated speed of the group sessions was nice. Maybe pair work is the most helpful because we have to think fast to have a conversation. I think drill practice is also quite helpful.

Where did you reside over the course of this program?


Where did you live?

Azeria Kasai

Were you pleased with the general living arrangements? Anything you especially liked? Any problems you experienced?

I am absolutely, completely in love with Azeria Kasai and the adorable people who run it. My dorm will probably be the thing I will miss most about this summer. My favorite part of every day is eating dinner together with everyone in the dining room. The KCP students who live here together get along extremely well, and Shiraishi ojii-san and obaa-san are the most generous, friendly people ever! They always talk with us (which is great Japanese practice) and we've even had a bunch of parties together. Last weekend we all watched fireworks on the roof. The other tenants in the dorm are friendly enough too! Plus I love the single rooms, which are well-equipped with everything I would ever need. If I had the choice, I would never leave this place.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

I think that if you're summer short, especially level one, you should expect to not be able to participate in everything. There are certain clubs and things like that which we can't join because of time restrictions and language barriers! Really, just try to make the most of your time here! Make sure you're responsible with your schoolwork, but also make time for new experiences and fun things that your home country doesn't have. Practice speaking every chance you get; be friendly and open-minded and willing to try new things, and I think that you'll have a really wonderful time, even if your time is short!

Any other comments or suggestions?

When I came to KCP I was not expecting such a wonderful environment! The teachers are absolutely amazing and the staff is incredibly helpful. The whole place conveys a wonderful, playful sense of humor but also one of serious, hard work. I think it's a difficult balance to reach, and KCP has done a wonderful job. I want to come back to this program very much! Thank you for a wonderful eight weeks!

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If you’re considering KCP, just sign up. If you have to, save up for it. It was worth it. I continue to learn the language, I continue to make new friends, I continue to find new, unfamiliar and exciting places and all of this was possible because I made the decision to learn at KCP. I have met some really great people (friends as well as teachers) who have helped me grow as a person. I’m thankful for this time I’ve spent here. It really has gone by too fast but I will forever remember the memories I’ve made here.

—Malia Romar